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Mountain gorilla trekking ( sighting 100% ensured)! Mountain gorilla trekking ( sighting 100% ensured)!

  • Rwanda is one of the few countries in the world where the critically endangered mountain gorillas live.
  • Volcanoes National park, which is home of Mountain gorilla is located in 2 hours and 30 minutes  driving from the Kigali International Airport. Sighting of mountain gorillas in that park is 100% ensured!
  • Expert guides give  briefings on specific protocols and rules for visiting the gorillas. Porters are available to help carry backpacks and cameras, as well as helping you along the journey.

Fauna and flora Fauna and flora

  • In Akagera National Park, which is located in 2: 30 hours driving from Kigali, you can see easily see different animals including big five safari animals ( Lion, Elephant, Buffalo, leopard and Rhinoceros); herds of Buffaloes, dazzle of Zebra, Impala, Giraffe, Elephants, Cape Eland and more than 300 birds’s species.
  • Volcanoes National Park, which is located in two hours driving from Kigali is home of Endangered Mountain gorilla, Golden Monkey and many other species of birds and animals.
  • Nyungwe National Park, located in 6 hours driving from Kigali is home  to over 13 species of primates including Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and 27 species of birds endemic to Albertine rift.

All the national parks are close to Kigali city! All the national parks are close to Kigali city!

  • Akagera National Park is located at 2 hours driving from Kigali, and 2 hours 15 minutes from Kigali International Airport
  • Volcanoes National Park is located at 1 hours 30 minutes from Kigali, 2 hours 15 minutes from Kigali International Airport.
  • Nyungwe National Park is located at 6 hours from Kigali; 6 hours 15 from Kigali International Airport.
  • Gishwati Mukura National Park is located at 4 hours from Kigali city.

Weather and climate Weather and climate

  • Four main seasons are known in Rwanda: the high rainy season is from March to May (Can sometimes go to earlier June) and short rain season from September to December.
  • Dry seasons: High dry season is June-August and short dry season January-March. Your visit will be conducted during the dry season. However, we advise that you come with pullover, good jumpers, raincoat and good boot/walking shoes as it can rain any time in Nyungwe NP (a mountain forest).  

Security Security

  • Rwanda is a secured country with army and policemen controlling town and villages, day and nights. You can freely walk in town during the night. Hotel’s staffs are also disciplined.
  • However, remember to keep your valuable materials in a secure place, rock your room when you are out, keep valuable materials (i.e camera, cash, etc.) with you or at the reception or ask the receptionist advice. Look after your wallet when you are walking around, as policemen can’t control all pocket-pickers!